The tale of repurposed drugs during this pandemic is a long and arduous one, mired in confusion, disinformation, and the suppression of scientific results.
Let us begin with a personal anecdote. Early in 2021, I had come across a series of studies showing Ivermectin’s potential as an effective prophylaxis for Covid-19… namely, the Carvallo study as well as a computational modeling study predicting ivermectins high spike binding affinity. As such, I wished to procure some and take it at the recommended dosages according to FLCCC’s guidelines. I didn’t have too much trouble convincing my physician after presenting the data, my thinking, and my long-term plan wrt handling covid.
This however is where things get interesting, my prescriber sent over my script to my local pharmacy where I intended to pick up this and another prescription as usual. However, I received a text message informing me that my prescription for ivermectin was not able to be filled… I assumed this must be because it was out of stock or similar.
What happened next shocked and enraged me.
Upon calling the pharmacy to figure out what the issue was holding up the filling, I spoke to a tech and then the head pharmacist on duty. He was unaware of what had happened as the medication was supposed to be filled by a different pharmacist the previous day. The pharmacist had apparently refused to fill the prescription written by my doctor, not for medical reasons but because he personally opposed it. Imagine a diabetic being refused insulin because a rogue undereducated pharmacist had personal values that did not jive with the issuing of life-saving medication.
Fortunately, the pharmacist I did speak to was more understanding and concurred with my assessment of the data, and was more than happy to prescribe it for me.
This is evidence of a larger problem that has propagated the public health establishment and leaked into individual doctors and practices. Diagnoses and recommendations not based on the literature or evidence-based medicine but rather derived from countervailing incentives(big pharmas clear desire to profit from novel drugs and inoculations as opposed to cheap, widely available generics) and the guidance of one corrupt man(Fauci) who’s every position has been wrong and the institutions that he runs and delegates(NIH, CDC). Whether it’s masks, the origin of the virus(for which most evidence points to the NIH grants Fauci awarded through Eco-Health), or the topic we are exploring today, the breadth of one man’s wrongness is unbounded.
Now, this would all be fine if we were talking about sports or fashion but not medicine. The objectively verifiable/reproducible nature of good medicine/scientific practice is the undergirding of modern society. None of the technology we rely on and trust would exist without this rigorous framework that should be independent of the political discourse. If faith in this institution dies, the modern march of progress would come to a screeching halt…. and the cracks in the foundation seem to be appearing.
The Data
Perhaps this is the most blatant example of this rot at the center of our scientific and media institutions. Hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for Covid-19, it is hard to argue otherwise at this point. Regrettably, despite having known this for going on 2 years now but have done our best to ‘unscience’ this information out of existence?
But…. Why??
Because Trump?
Well, this is assuredly part of the equation, however, there is likely more to it. One of the hurdles that any of the mRNA vaccines would have to clear for EUA approval were that there could not be any other safe and effective treatments on the market otherwise they would have to proceed through the standard(and normally stringent) vaccine approval protocol. Meaning the vaccine manufacturers would lose out on billions in profit. So it’s likely that this played a huge role in the media’s initial coverage of Hydroxy as big pharma is one of(if not the) biggest sponsors of MSM sources currently.
Below are a few examples of the media’s take:
Now, the above are just a sampling of the dozens and dozens of published disinformation efforts on this effective medication, which is even more disheartening given recent data that shows it may be even more effective for omicron. It is unlikely any new or relevant data that comes out about this medicine will propagate down to practitioners sans the most studious readers of medical and science journals. This does a huge disservice to patients, especially the most vulnerable to serious outcomes as we would hope that these individuals would have access to the most up-to-date treatment protocols.
Apart from hydroxy, Ivermectin is probably the most falsely derided medication during this era, perhaps of all time.
The data on Ivermectin could not be more clear. It is a very safe and well-tolerated medication that is effective in the early and late treatment context as well as being a strong prophylactic.
We have 3 independent methods of confirming ivermectins influence on outcomes. Namely, studies, epidemiological data, and computational modeling. The meta-analysis above combines 88 studies and calculates an improvement of 83%,63%, and 39% for prophylaxis, early treatment, and late treatment respectively.
Now let’s take a look at some of the epidemiological data:
As we can see from the above, in three different countries once an Ivermectin protocol is implemented, not only do we have a sharp reduction in deaths but also in cases due to its strong prophylactic action. This same story repeats itself in other countries such as Peru and Argentina, and to a certain extent in Japan(although there are likely other mitigating factors here).
Further, we can look at the variety of computational models which predict Ivermectin’s spike binding affinity. This shows that at a molecular level it binds better than any other medication tested(including Remdesivir) which is likely where most of its preventative proficiency is derived.
Rather than share these results and discuss them in an open scientific debate, the public health apparatus and its media arm lied at each and every step. Here is an example:
This story described a supposed swell of Ivermectin overdoses due to individuals buying horse paste(the veterinary formulation) and taking too much… So many people that the hospital in question was unable to properly care for gunshot victims because the overdose victims were taking up all the beds.
It just so happens this was a complete fabrication. There were no Ivermectin overdose patients at the hospital in question. The doctor who did not even work there at the time made up this story.
All of this mis and disinformation trickles down to the lowest common denominator who does not or will not attempt to discern the truth. Let’s look at a case study:
Sadly, this is a real medical doctor. He is an “intensivist” at the Swedish Medical center in Seattle. However, he is one of the worst offenders of Ivermectin disinformation that I could locate in the public discourse. On many occasions, this ‘doctor’ lied outright calling it a veterinary medicine that was sometimes used for humans. Even more, he said it is only used as a parasitic, despite having been known for its anti-viral properties for decades and despite having been corrected many different times on his medical misinformation by experts… he still chooses to spew harmful propaganda.
The Others
There are other repurposed medicines that do not get the headlines for better or for worse and many of them are extremely useful to treat the disease.
Fluvoxamine is an SSRI that has shown good efficacy at reducing severe outcomes and has found a nitch in treating brain fog and other ailments resulting from both Long Covid, and Post Vaccine Syndrome.
One of the lesser-known nuances of this virus and its variants is that it is typically harder on males who are high in testosterone. This is likely due to the higher expression of ACE-2 in males. Anti-androgens according to the latest research are potent tools in treating Covid.
This diabetic medication and blood sugar regulator shows promise as a particularly effective late treatment, with a real-time meta-analysis of 40 studies showing an improvement of 97%.
If I missed anything or if something in the article is incorrect feel free to comment or message me.
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